Manufacturers & Distributors

Public Act 20 and 21 Sales & Use Tax Changes

Michigan manufacturers and distributors should be aware of recent changes in the sales tax rules resulting from Public Act 20 and 21 of 2023 (“the Act”).

by Ruben Ramirez

Inflation’s Impact on Customer Contracts

Is it time to fire some customers? The idea may sound radical, but it’s a timely and insightful take that came up in a recent chat with supply-chain lawyer Dan Sharkey.

by Rob Cheyne

Manufacturers: Hunt Down Year-End Tax Savings

Brisk weather and the upcoming holidays may signal the end of 2022, but many opportunities still exist to capture immediate and future savings for manufacturers and distributors. Use the same energy and drive that was present throughout the year to take swift, decisive action now to identify and implement tax savings that can impact your bottom line.

by Jim Biehl

Are You Effectively Managing Your Inventory?

In today’s competitive manufacturing and distribution market, business owners are taking a fresh look at inventory management practices.

by Jim Biehl

6 Ways to Overcome M&D Supply Chain Obstacles

When we talk about the manufacturing and distribution supply chain, we mean raw materials and finished goods that travel back and forth for thousands of miles before arriving at their final stop. These trips include a complex mix of trucks, trains, container ships and storage facilities plus countless touches by humans and computers. Here are some supply chain obstacles you might be facing and what you can do to overcome them.

by Jim Biehl

Michigan Manufacturers: Talent Funding on the Way

In talking with manufacturers, we know that talent is a top issue. If you’re a manufacturer in Michigan seeking assistance with talent retention, you don’t want to miss out on applying for the Going PRO Talent Fund. This fund is designed to help employers with training, developing and retaining employees.

by Jim Biehl

The Sound of Automation Podcast

Industrial automation businesses are the driving force behind Industry 4.0, and Clayton & McKervey is here to help.

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