International Businesses

Executive Guide to Global Expansion in the US for UK Businesses

The U.S. market can be an attractive expansion target for small to medium-sized enterprises headquartered in the U.K. U.S. market advantages such as a skilled workforce, a large and data-rich consumer base, and a thriving entrepreneurial and investment culture can lead to significant new profit potential. Before expanding to the U.S., it is important to consider the related tax, labor, legal, funding, entity structure, and timing implications outlined in this guide.

by Teresa Gordon

Important Filing Requirement for Foreign-Owned U.S. Companies

The last thing any business wants to receive is an audit notice from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Your first reaction will naturally be panic or fear. So, what protective measures can a business or business owner put in place?

by Nina Wang

2023 SelectUSA Investment Summit Highlights

I was excited to be back in Washington, D.C. for the 2023 SelectUSA Investment Summit earlier this month (May 1-4, 2023). My last time attending this informative and engaging international conference was in 2019 before the pandemic. It was great to connect with old friends and meet people from different countries all around the world.

by Nina Wang

Breaking Down US-UK Trade Barriers Through State MoUs

In the absence of a bilateral free trade agreement between the US and the UK, UK companies are still coming to the US for trading and investment opportunities by working directly with states. These non-binding agreements are called memorandums of understanding and the goal is to increase trade and investment between the UK and US states.

by Teresa Gordon

FDI in the US for Post-Brexit Manufacturers

While challenges may linger for the next several years, post-Brexit opportunities are emerging for UK manufacturers. Learn why now is an ideal time for UK manufacturers to expand or diversify their international footprint through Foreign Direct Investment in the US.

by Teresa Gordon

International Cash Management Best Practices

Cash is one of the principal forces behind the success or failure of any company. Due to current economic conditions, high interest rates and general uncertainty resulting from the pandemic, it is becoming increasingly difficult for companies to achieve both their short and long-term financing needs. Learn how to effectively manage international cash across borders.

by Dave Van Damme

The Sound of Automation Podcast

Industrial automation businesses are the driving force behind Industry 4.0, and Clayton & McKervey is here to help.

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