Industrial Automation Companies

Talent Strategy Tips for Industrial Automation Companies

We recently sat down with Alex Chausovsky, VP of Analytics and Consulting at Miller Resource Group, to discuss the realities of the competitive automation job market, and ways to build a successful talent strategy.

by Bryan Powrozek

Keys to Building High-Performance Sales Teams

In today's competitive business landscape, building a high-performance sales team is crucial for driving revenue growth and achieving long-term success. We sat down with Kirk Armstrong of Armstrong Sales Coaching to explore the key elements of building a high-performance sales team and offer insights on effective recruitment, training, motivation, and accountability strategies.

by Bryan Powrozek

The “Value” of Specialization

Focusing on a specific segment can be advantageous for your business, especially when it comes to valuation. Here are a few reasons why specializing in a niche area can help increase the value of your industrial automation business.

by Bryan Powrozek

R&D Tax Credits: A Business Owner’s Guide

If you haven’t looked into the R&D tax credit before, there’s a good chance that you’re missing a big opportunity to boost your cash position. Even if they’re aware of the credit’s existence, many businesses and their owners mistakenly assume that they aren’t eligible, or haven’t utilized the credit correctly.

by Bryan Powrozek

Top 5 Industrial Automation Trends of 2023

We recently had a wide-ranging conversation with our colleague Jim Beretta of Customer Attraction and The Robot Industry Podcast about important developments in industrial automation. We touched not only on the current-state outlook for automation and the power of data, but also on five crucial trends that are driving the industry.

by Bryan Powrozek

5 Valuation Tips for Industrial Automation Companies

Business valuation concerns are just as important to industrial automation leaders as they are to owners in other big market sectors. Capital Valuation Group (a key Clayton & McKervey partner that focuses almost exclusively on business valuation consultation) recommends getting an early start and treating valuation like a routine investment check. We have collected some insights here on how to adopt that investor mentality and apply it to your business.

by Tim Finerty

The Sound of Automation Podcast

Industrial automation businesses are the driving force behind Industry 4.0, and Clayton & McKervey is here to help.

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